Tuesday, March 12, 2013

TOS S02E12

In this installment:
(viewed Tuesday, Mar. 12)
Star Trek: The Original Series, S02E12 - "The Deadly Years"
"The Deadly Years"
  • USS Enterprise enters orbit around Gamma Hydra IV.  Many years later, Lt. Saavik will take a simulated Enterprise on a routine training mission to this same (simulated) system.
  • Commissioners, Commodores of all stripes and varieties...there never seems to be an end to impatient bureaucrats trying to push Kirk around.
  • Being "married to your ship" seems to be a really good way to have a decades-long string of one-night stands and one-hit wonders.
  • It's a shame that 23rd Century Captain Kirk didn't know 21st Century Bill Shatner's botox guy :P
  • "What a stupid place to hang a mirror."
  • It's established that, at the time of this episode, Kirk is 34 years old.
  • Commodore Stocker, who is apparently in the engineering or security field, has apparently risen to his rank without ever having held a field command.
  • "Lt. Uhura, let me know if we contact any Romulans."
    "I think we just made contact, sir."
  • This remastered version of the episode features the new CGI of the Romulan Bird-of-Prey, but if I remember correctly the original version either didn't show the Romulan ships at all or was one of the first to re-use the Klingon D7 model as a stand-in for the Romulans.
  • This episode features a re-use of the Corbomite bluff.


  1. considering the anticipated elongation of life spans, 34 years old for a Starship (a FLAGSHIP) captain is ridiculous. However, I consider it to be reasonable for the intended audience, and the thing I always try to keep in mind is that of all these old episodes, they never anticipated the kinds of review and analysis we do from this point, a half century in the future...

    But as I get ancient on my own behalf, this one hits pretty close to home. Unfortunately, I can use a magical transporter wand to make me 34 again.

  2. Also, from a Humble Little Blog standpoint, it is worthwhile checking th This Day In Science Fiction site:


    We are building a shrine to John Elfreth Watkins there. Also mocking Heinlein on a recurring basis...


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