Sunday, August 3, 2014

SAM TREK Gen Con Special: "What's in your bag?"

Alright, so this doesn't have anything to do with Star Trek.  Well, it might...if I played a Trek RPG.  But I don't, so it doesn't.  This post is all about another of my nerdy passions:  Table-top roleplaying games.  Specifically, it's about what I've got packed into my gaming bag.  Even more specifically, it's about what I'll be packing into my gaming bag for Gen Con 2014.

Below is a video run-down of what I'm bringing with me to the table at Gen Con, and then a couple of pictures and a detailed list of everything.  You know, just in case you're really bored.

SAMTREK Gen Con Special
from Sam Ferguson on Vimeo.
Stuff for my bag:  Oh yeah, it'll all fit.

I don't carry all of this in my bag all of the time, obviously.  For example, at my home gaming table I obviously don't need my Pathfinder Society stuff or my event badge.  At Gen Con, I'm not going to have my GM binder (I don't run any games at Gen Con, at least not yet), my big bag of cardboard pawns and flip-maps (although I will have a couple of pewter minis for my PFS characters) or things like the little portable speaker that I sometimes use for ambiance music.
  1. ThinkGeek Bag of Holding (backpack version)
  2. iPad (third-generation) w/ PDFs of rulebooks and critical apps:
    1. Hero Lab for Pathfinder
    2. Pathfinder Reference Document (PFR)
    3. InitiativeBoard
  3. Asus Zenbook UX32A "ultrabook"
  4. assorted charging cables
  5. Pathfinder Society folder, containing:
    1. character sheets
    2. inventory sheets
    3. boons
    4. printed non-core material
    5. chronicle sheets
    6. blank character sheets
    7. blank inventory sheets
  6. dice
  7. GM binder
  8. pens & pencils
  9. legal pad
  10. adventure journal (Moleskine)
  11. portable speaker
  12. status lights (e.g. Bless, Haste, Prayer)
  13. index cards
  14. minis, cardboard pawns w/ stands, flip-maps
  15. Gen Con event badge & collectible Pathfinder buttons
(Not pictured:  Mophie Powerstation XL, Advil & Tums, assorted snacks and beverages)
What you won't find in my bag:  A crapload of heavy books.

So that's pretty  much it.  Let me know what you keep in your gaming bag!  Leave a comment here, on Facebook or Google+, or even better--make your own video and show me...your...bag?  I guess, yeah.  I'm going to go ahead and stick with that wording :P

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