Thursday, April 18, 2013

TAS S01E13, S01E14, S01E15, S01E16

Man, the TAS animators loved these purple flying dragon-monster things, didn't they?

In this installment:
(viewed Thursday, April 18th)
Star Trek: The Animated Series, S01E13 - "The Slaver Weapon"
Star Trek: The Animated Series, S01E14 - "The Eye of the Beholder"
Star Trek: The Animated Series, S01E15 - "Jihad"
Star Trek: The Animated Series, S01E16 - "The Time Trap"

"The Slaver Weapon"
  • The Kzinti are buttholes.  That's pretty much my only takeaway from this episode.

"The Eye of the Beholder"


"The Time Trap"
  • This episode features the Bonaventure, which Scotty describes as the "first ship to have warp drive".  Clearly this bit is discarded in favor of other, more established Trek canon.  This is one of many things that was ignored while TAS was considered non-canon, that we now just kind of have to disregard.

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