Wednesday, April 3, 2013

TOS S03E11, S03E12

In this installment:
(viewed Tuesday & Wednesday, April 2-3)
Star Trek: The Original Series, S03E11 - "Wink of an Eye"
Star Trek: The Original Series, S03E12 - "The Empath"
"Wink of an Eye"
  • When responding to a distress call on a strange alien planet, and you're taking water samples?  Go ahead and use that opportunity to wash your hands in the local water source and, hey!  While you're in there, you might as well wet your whistle, right?  Let's face it, this redshirt deserved what he got.  I guess it helps that he's not only an idiot, but also a total toolbag.
  • "What have you done to the transporter, Captain?"
    "It was working before.  Try it again."
    -- James T. Kirk, Tech Support
  • Okay, we need to stall for time while Spock figures this out.  So...sabotage some equipment, and make nice with the pretty alien?  I can do this. -- Kirk, in every episode
"The Empath"
  • Oh, crap.  I remember this episode.  I have no idea how I'll find it this time around, but I remember being bored to tears by it when I watched it in re-runs as a kid.
  • Okay, yeah.  It's big-headed, douchebag aliens, bad 1960s music and a mime.  I think this is actually my least-favorite TOS episodes.  At least some of the other bad ones are entertaining.  This one is just dull.  I'm just going to go ahead and let it play in the background while I play some Civ2.  I'll check back in with you in...37 minutes.
  • This empath is stupid.  She and her people both deserve to die :P
  • Yeah, so...yeah.  I nearly fell asleep during that episode, and I was sitting up at a desk and doing three other things at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently Season 3 is where they decided they might as well let McCoy get a little action.


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