Tuesday, June 17, 2014

DS9 S01E06

In this installment:
(viewed Monday, June 16th)
Star Trek:  Deep Space Nine, S01E06 - "Q-Less"

  • The only thing funnier than Dr. Bashir's "war story" about his final exam at Starfleet Medical Academy is Chief O'Brien's reactionary facial expressions in the background.
  • Hey kids, it's Vash!
  • Oh, yeah.  And it's Q too, I guess.  Whatever.

    Listen, I like Q as much as the next Trekkie.  But one thing I realized as I was re-watching TNG is that some of the episodes with him are real snoozers.  Not all of them, certainly!  Some of them are even really darned good--like "Deja Q" or "Tapestry", and of course his first and last appearances in "Encounter At Farpoint" and "All Good Things...". 

    And that's not John de Lancie's fault at all.  He's absolutely awesome.

    But for every good Q episode, you also had an episode like "Qpid" or this one right here.  I consider the sparse use of Q in DS9 to be one of its strengths.  The Q-centric episodes on VOY are some of my least favorite.
  • Easy, Julian.  She's dating an omnipotent god-being with a bratty temper.
  • "You're arrogant, you're overbearing and you think you know everything."

    "But...I do know everything."

    "That makes it even worse."
  • I believe this episode is the first time we see the performance of the Ferengi practice of oo-mox.  Eww.
  • I do love it when O'Brien recognizes Q.

    "Bloody hell."
  • "What does he want?"

    "You might ask Vash."

    "Why Vash?"

    "They new each other, from the
    Enterprise.  I think they actually met in Sherwood Forest."
  • "You hit me!  Picard never hit me!"
  • If I slept in a bucket, I'd want a nice one.
  • "Do I know you?"

    "O'Brien.  From the

    "Weren't you one of the little people?"
  • The "tritium gas" they're using to trace the power leak?  Unless it's something different in the 24th Century, tritium is an isotope of hydrogen and is radioactive.
  • I'm not a lawyer, but I think keeping a space manta ray inside a giant cough drop is pretty cruel.
  • "I feel as though I've been asleep for days.  What?  Did I miss something?"

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