Thursday, June 6, 2013

TNG S02E22

In this installment:
(viewed 6/6/2013)
Star Trek:  The Next Generation, S02E22 - "Shades of Gray"

"Shades of Gray"
  • Poison spines in the leg on an alien planet?  Pretty good argument for puncture-proof Starfleet uniforms, if you ask me.
  • "I hope these are the right coordinates."

    "Just kidding, Doctor.  I know how much you love the transporter."

    "About as much as I love comical transporter chiefs."

    Chief O'Brien has always been one of my favorite Star Trek characters (moreso on DS9 than TNG, but that's mainly because his role on DS9 is dramatically expanded), but O'Brien teasing Dr. Pulaski about her fear/hatred of transporters?  You sir, are my new favorite.
  • "During a geological survey on Surata IV, Commander Riker has become infected by an unidentified microbe."

    I bet that's the first time that's happened...on a geological survey.

  • "Be careful."

    "I am always careful."

    Because I'm a freaking android
  • (Geordi grabs a poisonous thorns from a crazy leg-grabber plant with some tweezers)

    "Standby, O'Brien!  Got it!  ENGERGIZE!"

    You don't wanna, I don't know...but that bad boy in a sample container or something?
  • "For Commander Riker's sake, I hope my hypothesis is in error."

    "Unfortunately, Commander Data, your hypotheses rarely are."

    Again, because I'm an android.  Why does everyone always forget that?
  • "If you drop a hammer on your foot, it's hardly useful to get mad at the hammer."

    It's the 24th Century.  Who uses hammers?
  • Only one good thing happens when Counselor Troi calls Riker "Imzadi":  I get to remember the time I found a silver Volkswagen Beetle in the parking garage of the Indiana Government Center with a custom "IMZADI" license plate.

  • Once Riker passes out and Pulaski hooks him up to the neural stimulator, the rest of the episode is pretty much a clip show.  So I'm going to let this sucker play on my second monitor while I play a game.  I'll be back in 20-25 minutes when they come back around for the wrap-up :P
  • "Sick bay to bridge, we've stopped the clip show eradicated the infection!"
  • "Of course I know who I am.  I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise."

    "I'm delighted you're feeling better, Captain.  The...Admiral and I were worried about you."

    "Captain, I do no believe you have the authority to promote me to the rank of admiral."

1 comment:

  1. One of the interesting things I find, following your journey, is that TNG (much like TOS) does reflect its time; it's episodic, as all TV was at that time.

    But in the years after, story arcs and more nuanced stories have come into play, and while DS9 and to a lesser extent ENT did some of it, I begin to wonder what would happen if Star Trek universe did a BSG/ Mad Men/ Breaking Bad/etc type of story development.


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