Saturday, June 15, 2013

TNG S03E12, S03E13, S03E14, S03E15, S03E16

In this installment:
(viewed June 15th, 2013)
Star Trek:  The Next Generation, S03E12 - "The High Ground"
Star Trek:  The Next Generation, S03E13 - "Deja Q"
Star Trek:  The Next Generation, S03E14 - "A Matter Of Perspective"
Star Trek:  The Next Generation, S03E15 - "Yesterday's Enterprise"
Star Trek:  The Next Generation, S03E16 - "The Offspring"
So, I watched  five episodes of TNG today, and I had a load of commentary for each one.  Behind-the-scenes trivia, humorous jabs at the plots and cast, relevant images and know, my usual wall-of-text stuff.

And then I somehow deleted all of it.  ALL OF IT.  I didn't delete the draft, I just accidentally like...did a "select all" and then hit backspace or something.  I don't know.

But because Blogger's autosave works in increments that seem like nanoseconds, my mistake was autosaved as the new draft version.  I Ctrl-Z'd my butt off, to no avail.  And some Googling returns no valid methods to revert this draft to a previously autosaved version.

So what am I to do?  Well, I certainly didn't memorize everything and I'm not going to re-watch all of the episodes.

This is doubly frustrating, as I'm right in the middle of the third season of TNG and some of these episodes were real classics.

But our lesson for today?  From now on, I do what every content-generating person has learned to do for all eternity--I'm composing the actual text of my posts in another editor and then copying the raw text into Blogger and formatting it, insert images and links, etc.

Oh, and the primary image for the post I was going to make on these episodes was a naked Q.

F**k you, Blogger.

1 comment:

  1. I run my current blog on Wordpress, which seems to be a bit more difficult to set up (and their thresholds for fees seem to be much lower) but their autosave and some other aspects of the blogging operation seem more robust.


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