Monday, May 5, 2014

'Star Trek' vs. 'Star Wars': Geekdom's Most Ridiculous Argument

It's a war that's raged between competing camps of nerds for decades at this point:  Which is the better sci-fi franchise, Star Trek or Star Wars?  Well, in a special Star Wars Day* edition of SAM TREK, I'm going to babble on for a bit about the topic.

(* - I didn't have time today for a true marathon, but like every other person on the planet I did fit in a viewing of A New Hope--or as we called it when I was a kid and lived a carefree life in a world without prequels, "Star Wars".)

This "video blog" is several minutes of pure, self-indulgent geek noise.  You've been warned.

In addition to the above video, allow me to present a small collection of photographic evidence that solidifies my guilt as a sci-fi bisexual.

This is the earliest picture of me I can find that's just pure nerd.  It's from some Christmas morning in the late 1980s or early 1990s.  Note how I'm throwing some Vulcan salutes there, despite the fact that my recently-unwrapped gift has absolutely nothing to do with Trek.  It's just how I roll.

 In another early example, I can be seen posing with my mother and younger siblings and sporting both a Star Trek hat and a Star Trek t-shirt.  My head is hung not in shame, but because I believe this is when I was going through the lengthy "I don't like to be photographed" period that lasted from late elementary school all the way into my mid-20s.

During my second trip to Walt Disney World, I posed on a life-size replica of a speeder bike located outside of the Star Tours ride in Disney's Hollywood Studios.  I like to caption this picture "Aren't you a little fat to be a Stormtrooper?"  Note the Rebel Alliance baseball cap.  That hat got me a free soft drink at a snack cart near the same ride, when the park employee quipped "You're drink is on Mickey.  He likes your hat."

And finally, what is possibly the most damning piece of evidence:  A photograph of my beloved (if somewhat cliched, for the nerd crowd) Rebel Alliance tattoo, taken when it was fresh in 2009.  In the interest of full disclosure, the tattoo served a dual purpose.  I do consider myself a life-long Star Wars fan, but I also fancy myself a bit of a political and cultural rebel (which is really just, you know, my own inflated sense of self-importance).  So the tattoo was intended to be both nerdy and political.  Arguably it fails at both :P

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