Monday, April 15, 2013

TAS S01E07, S01E08

In this installment:
(viewed Monday, April 15th)
Star Trek: The Animated Series, S01E07 - "The Infinite Vulcan"
Star Trek: The Animated Series, S01E08 - "The Magicks of Megas-Tu"

"The Infinite Vulcan"
  • "Now just a minute.  I can't let you...whatever you are...inject him with some alien...drew drop!"
  • TAS writers:  "Hey, what happens if we have a race of intelligent asparagus?  And they...they have these flying attack things--sort of like a pterodactyl, squid and eggplant all got busy and we're not sure who the father is."
  • Dr. Keniclius is our second reference in Trek to the Eugenics Wars, after the infamous Khan.
  • Like so much of what we see in TOS and TAS, it's very odd that we never revisit a planet with intelligent plant life, a giant human geneticist and a huge Mr. Spock.
  • "Mr. Sulu, you're the most scrutable man I know."  :suluwink:

"The Magicks of Megas-Tu"
  • The cosmology in the opening of this episode is pretty laughable, but you can hardly condemn this episode for poor science.  While much of Star Trek actually makes an attempt to employ scientifically-plausible explanations and technology, it does have frequent spots where they turn science on its head for the sake of the story.
  • This is why you don't burn witches.  Sometimes they're aliens.
  • The "histories and records" being tossed about on tapes and punch cards is pretty awesome.
  • This episode features humanity being put on trial by omnipotent beings.  One wonders writers more than a decade later would recall this episode when they wrote about Q's trial of humanity during TNG.

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