Thursday, April 11, 2013

TOS S03E22

In this installment:
(viewed Thursday, April 11th)
Star Trek: The Original Series, S03E22 - "The Savage Curtain"
"The Savage Curtain"
  • "We're being scanned, Captain.  Deep probe...incredibly swift."
    That's what she said.  Amirite? :rimshot:
  • Kilted Scotty!
  • I'm preeeeeetty sure Abraham Lincoln is hitting on Uhura.
  • Obviously the Excalbians are pulling examples of "good" and "evil" from the perspective of Kirk and Spock.  Genghis Khan, the only real-world member of the "evil" faction, was obviously a much more complex than black-and-white.  And although Yarnek refers to Kahless as being the founder of the Klingon people's "tyrannies", he's obviously regarded by the Klingons as a great hero--as displaced multiple times in later iterations of Trek.
  • And apparently Kahless was a keen impersonator? O_o


  1. Well, after all, do you think he freed the slaves for ALTRUISTIC reasons?

  2. But no, the thing about all the fakes is that they could do whatever the Rock Monsters wanted, so Kahless could do whatever he needed to make the conflict work out. They kind of mentioned that in the discussion with "Lincoln" about his actual free will.

    Also, Rock Monsters really sucked when they added Poison to the tour.


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