Sunday, April 21, 2013

TAS S02E01, S02E02, S02E03, S02E04, S02E05, S02E06

In this installment:
(viewed Sunday, April 21st)
Star Trek: The Animated Series, S02E01 - "The Pirates of Orion"
Star Trek: The Animated Series, S02E02 - "Bem"
Star Trek: The Animated Series, S02E03 - "The Practical Joker"
Star Trek: The Animated Series, S02E04 - "Albatross"
Star Trek: The Animated Series, S02E05 - "How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth"
Star Trek: The Animated Series, S02E06 - "The Counter-Clock Incident"

"The Pirates of Orion"
  • "Blasted Vulcan.  Why could you have red blood, like any normal human?"
    ^^^ Seriously the most racist thing McCoy has ever said :P
  • "OR-ee-ohn"?  Bwahahahaha!
  • Mispronunciations aside, this has been one of the better TAS episodes that I've watched so far.  I don't think I'd seen it before, or if I had it had been a very, very long time.

  • I'm sure there's no connection, but "honorary" Commander Bem refers to himself as "this one" frequently--similar to how the slave-soldiers known as the Unsullied refer to themselves in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire fantasy series.
  • This episode features the first on-screen mention of Kirk's middle name, Tiberius.  It won't be heard on-screen again until Star Trek VI.

"The Practical Joker"
  • Can't beat an opening like that:  Enterprise is ambushed by three Romulan D7s.
  • I'm not sure why all of the vague "energy clouds" in TAS have firecrackers going off inside of them O_o
  • The rec room shown in this episode appears to have many of the same capabilities as its 24th Century successor, the holodeck.
  • And again, McCoy's telling people to leave him behind in the snow.  What's with this guy?

  • "Hippocrates would not have approved of lame excuses, Doctor."

"How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth"
  • I like how their first Native American crewman is only there to give them some information about Pre-Columbian deities that aren't even from the lore of his tribe.

"The Counter-Clock Incident"
  • This episode is the source of the commonly-accepted fact that the Enterprise's first captain was Robert April.

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